Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fun Weekend!

While Daddy went out of town this weekend for a youth retreat with his guys from church, we tried to make the best of it, although we missed him so much!! Friday night we went out to dinner with Miss Katie (soon to be Mrs. Katie!) and got to see her new house! Always a great time! Then, Saturday we headed out to Ft. Worth with G to see Mammaw (Cambry's great grandma) for the day. Cambry got to show her all the things she can do now since we saw her last at Christmas...such a big girl! Then, we went back to G & Pops' and got to spend time with Pops, too! Cambry enjoys being loved on by her grandparents & great-grandma! What a fun weekend we had!

Miss Katie makes me smile!

Nothing better than kisses from Mammaw!

I love my Mammaw!!

Exhausted baby girl with G!

Monday, February 08, 2010

9 months!

Our Cambry girl is now nine months old and what a fabulous nine months it has been! It seems as though she has always been a part of our family and God couldn't have blessed us with a more perfect addition. We just love her to pieces! These past couple of weeks, Cambry has had a cold that turned into a sinus infection so she is on an antibiotic right now. We were supposed to go to her 9 month well check up but apparently she can't have shots until she is done with her meds, so we had to postpone it for another week. I will have to update with stats later but for now here is what she's been up to:

* Cambry sleeps from 7:30/7:45pm-7:30am and takes 2 naps for 1 1/2 hours each.
* She takes 4 bottles of either breastmilk or formula a day and she eats solids 3 times a day.
* She loves her baby food--the only thing she doesn't care for is zucchini or yellow squash.
* She feeds herself puffs or cheerios & can drink out of a sippy cup by herself.
* She still isn't truly crawling--she does the army crawl & gets her knees under her here and there. She is content just sitting and wiggling here and there. We joke that she will probably be walking before she does her "true" crawling!
* She is pulling up to her knees on the coffee table, etc & can almost pull all the way up by herself.
* She says da-da, ma-ma, ya-ya, na-na and we hear an occasional ba-ba.
* Cambry loves to wave at herself in the mirror!
* She still LOVES to read. Her favorites are Babyfaces & Baby Animals.
* Her newest trick is to put her arms above her head when we say "touchdown!" Silly girl!
* Cambry has become pretty snuggly this past month. She loves to cuddle right before her naps or bedtime once she gets her pacifier in her mouth. We love it!
* She has also become quite the Daddy's girl lately, as well. She has always enjoyed being with her Daddy, but these days he better not come into the same room or walk by without planning to stick around or there are BIG tears. And, Daddy loves it! :)

We are so very thankful to the Lord for Cambry and while we love the stage she is at now, we are excited about how she is going to keep learning and growing! These are some of our favorite pics of this past month!