Saturday, May 16, 2009


We use a sleep positioner in her cradle to help keep her out of trouble. It keeps her in the middle of the cradle and elevates her head slightly. In the early days she was still coughing up amniotic fluid and we had a couple scary moments where she was choking on it. This device along with her Babysense monitor has given us peace of mind. She's able to handle her spit ups better now and get them out of her mouth.

This morning she had wiggled all the way down the sleep positioner and was crammed at the end of the cradle. She didn't seem to mind it, but I thought it looked pretty funny!


Sarah said...

Sweet little doll baby...

Drew never stayed on his wedge very well either - not sure how to fix that one. It always seemed to bother me more than it did him. :)

Enjoy these early days as much as you can in your sleep deprived stupor. They are precious days that will seem foggy when you are getting a good night's sleep again (which will be very soon!). Love y'all!