Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Spring!

Spring is probably my favorite season as it is starting to get warmer, it's flip-flop season, and it's flower season! LOVE IT! Every spring I get so excited about planting flowers in our flower beds out front. I knew if we didn't get them planted this weekend, it may not happen this year with a baby due anytime now. So, on Saturday morning Steve and I headed out to Calloways and picked out some flowers. The ones I wanted were sold out, so I settled for some petunias--Steve's favorite. We spent most of the day Saturday outside planting flowers, mulching, trimming hedges, etc. Yes, I did yard work and am 39 weeks pregnant, but I feel great! Our front yard is ready for the spring!


Just Call Me Annie said...

That would be called "nesting" Miss Halie!!! Can't wait to meet Miss Cambry!!!